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Vision & Mission

Bannu is a nonprofit organization focusing its work on Health and Education in rural areas of India. We strive to make positive and lasting contributions in areas associated with neglect and high risks. Our current focus is to provide special education to those with intellectual disabilities, and to establish a secondary care hospital in a remote tribal region devoid of functional healthcare. Through our centers, we strive to provide critical free services to the vulnerable and marginalized.

Our Impact & Reach

School Services

  • 25 Field trips
  • 14 Outings
  • 02 Health check-up camps
  • 25 cards yearly Niramaya Health Cards
  • 60 Sadharam Certificates
  • 100 Health cards

Parents Sessions

  • Every 2nd and 4th Saturday Meetings
  • 11 Parents counseling sessions
  • 60% Parent Participation


  • 125 Students Enrolled
  • 25 Drop outs

Student Achievements

  • 25 Participation in culture activities
  • 50 participation in sports
  • 09 Vocational Training

How You Can Help

Success Stories

School Staff

V.Kiran Kumari



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You could be a partner in transforming lives and ushering social change in many underserved areas in India.

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Both Bannu Hospital and School have opened their doors for students seeking internships in an underserved setting.

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Clinical Internship

Both Bannu Hospital and School have opened their doors for students seeking internships in an underserved setting.

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